Do not sell my personal information
We do not “sell” personal information that we collect from you, as “sell” is defined in the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
We work with service providers and partner with advertising companies that use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect information about your visits to our website and third-party sites, and then use that information to deliver advertisements relevant to your interests. For more information on how we use cookies and other tracking technologies, please visit our privacy policy and our cookie policy. There is not yet a consensus as to whether third party cookies and tracking technologies associated with our websites and mobile apps constitute a “sale” of your PI as defined by the CCPA.
You may opt out of interest-based advertising using ad industry opt out tools by visiting or To effectively manage cookies via browser settings or through ad industry opt out tools, you must opt out and set cookie preferences on all browsers and all devices that you use. If you clear the cookies on your device, you may need to set your cookie preferences again. We are not responsible for the completeness, accuracy or effectiveness of any third-party programs, tools or frameworks, or the information they provide.